Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Seeking God for Everything

I was very specific in my last post about our Countries trouble, this post is about Seeking God for Everything. I have spent a lot of my life running here and there without finding what I needed.  I wanted to make more money, drive a newer car, be this, be that and in the end, was it really what I needed. Well, yes I did accomplish my desires most of the time, but in reveiw of my life; did I really seek God? The answer is; not always!  The reason I say this is because I look back and there were times I made quick decisions without weighing all the cost.  My thoughts go to a perticular time that I changed jobs to get closer to my family.  That was my excuse. It also meant that my husband would have to leave his job and he was not really ready to make the move.  We moved...but when it was all said and done, I suffered one of the most upsetting times of my life.  I found out that everybody is not going to like you and even though you have done nothing to them, they are just not going to like you.  It was a job closer to my family but that was just about all it was.  I was not allowed to use what knowledge I had gained from my previous job, I was in tears all the time, I felt insecure and wished my immediate boss would leave the Company.  She definitely was not Seeking God for Everything, and especially her relationship with me.   Yes, she did have a lot of problems and she took it all out on me and I was not the first one. Nevertheless, having never experienced these kinds of things before...I just did not know how to handle them.  I learned the hard way.  Eventually the company was bought by a larger one and all was well again.  She did not go with the merger and I learned a valuable lesson and one I hope to never encounter again.

After spilling the beans about my mistakes, (one of them), I remind you that if we are Seeking God for Everything, then we stand less of a chance of failing.  He knows what is best for us and He will guide us, if we allow Him.  I have known of some people who think they know as much as He does. It is not wise to take God for granted and come to Him after the fact.  Kind of like I did about the job above.  What we should do is make a list of the good things about what we are going to do but we should also make a list of the things that could go wrong.  I know that there is no way for us to know all the things that could go wrong and the unthought of can happen, as it did to me.

When I read the scripture that states "seeking ye the Lord while He may be found" I remember that if we only seek Him when we need something or need Him to straighten out something....we are possibly in for a rude awakening, one of these days.  The Lord is forever merciful but He is also a jealous God.  That is scripture and He want us on a daily basis to ask for His devine help.  In Seeking God for Everything, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt we will be in His will...if we know how to listen to His voice.

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to meeting you here later.  If you would like I found some interesting writing at spiritual growth-our soul.

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